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Ashen Chalice


Founded in early 2017, this project aims to create black metal outside of it's traditional boundaries by experimenting with noise, ambience and industrial elements and drag you in the vast lands of corruption, oppression and sorrow.

The first real statement was made with it's first EP titled „Spells Of Eternal Sleep Guide Us Towards The Casket“. With soaring vocals, noisy guitars and ambient passages it aimed towards peace and entrancement while still envoking madness and fury. Released to an undisclosed number of copies through a dutch label The Throat.
In the same year the second EP titled „Kada postanemo pepeo, kada prihvatimo smrt“ was released through The Throat.

It achived a new form with it's debut full length „Kroz život sa razbijenim očima“ which took the project in a more trance inducing state by taking more inspiration from drone and ambient music while still maintaining the anger in it's core.

Now Ashen Chalice is back with a new full length release „Ljubiš li i dalje istinski?“. Tackling themes such as anger, spirituality, romance and dread, this album tells a story with both it's sound and words while pushing the boundaries set by former releases.

Music by Laethyan.

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